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»Creating new things together.«

»The four hours I work every day enrich my everyday life as a mother.«

Once the children have been dropped off at school, Martina can start making her way to Hermaringen. »It's a 20-minute drive, but it gives me the chance to already start focusing mentally on my work. The four hours I work every day enrich my everyday life as a mother.«

»I love creative work.«

Martina has been working as a media designer at Hauff since 2018. At that time, the company was only searching for temporary maternity cover, but when both parties decided they wanted to continue the working relationship, an additional 50% position was created for Martina in Marketing.

»I love creative work and Hauff always has new projects that you can actively help shape.«

Martina has three children and so flexibility in the workplace is particularly important to her. Even before the coronavirus pandemic, she was able to work from home during the holidays. »Since I have been self-employed for more than 15 years, working from home is nothing new for me and my family. The coronavirus pandemic has been a challenge, but since my kids have always been used to their mum working a side job, it didn't really present any obstacles.«

»Of course, there should also be an ample supply of coffee.«

The fact that she is able to organise her working hours herself in the home office also brings advantages, such as being able to do laundry, take a short break to pick up the children, or help with schoolwork. Nevertheless, Martina still likes to go to the office. »In terms of teamwork, it is important to see each other face to face from time to time, especially when you are working on new projects and are supposed to be developing ideas together. Many people may not understand that, but it feels good to just sit in front of the computer in the office and work on your project in peace. Of course, there should also be an ample supply of coffee.«

Working hours are also recorded from home and overtime can be paid or taken as time off. »I am happy about the trust and freedom that the company has given me.«

»Career and family is a constant balancing act.«

»Career and family is a constant balancing act where everyone involved needs to be well coordinated.« You get stressed as soon as something doesn't work out as planned, a child falls ill, the project deadline is suddenly moved to tomorrow or your husband is away on business. But you do need small challenges every now and then, says Martina, otherwise you will never be able to grow.

»I look forward to further personal development together with Hauff and my family.«

Martina Viola
Media designer
Jan Holly
Sales Director Europe
Dr. Michael Seibold
Managing Director